Our Beginnings
In 1979 a group of 15 interested archers got together and started the club which was named High Country Archers. Some of the founding members were Dan Real, Todd Poirier, Ed Gullickson and Tommy Wortley. Tommy was the first president being quite knowledgeable in the sport. There first outdoor shoot was on Exeter Road at the gun range. Back then the targets were pretty basic, paper targets glued on layered cardboard with some novelty shoots.
In the mid 80’s other clubs were forming so travel between various clubs was a regular event. Peter Halbig and his family moved into the area during that time and he was elected as president of the club. At that time the club only shot indoors and coupled with his strict and professional ways a group of archers that were bored with always shooting indoors broke away from High Country Archers and formed the Bighorn Bow Hunters Club in 1987. Max Searls was elected president and with help from others held their first outdoor shoot in the spring of 87. Both clubs shot together until 1991 when they joined together under the name Bighorn Bow Hunters Club. Max Searls was president until 1993 when Don Dickerson was voted in as president, Dan Real was vice president and Dori Dickerson was sec/treas.
So you think you’re tough shoot was started in 1994 at the Gibson Rd. site and archers from as far away as Prince George attended. Fun was had by all with 3D targets, concession and a dinner.
In 1995 Rob Altmannshofer was the zone rep. for TBBC. They put on shoots in 1995 and 1996 at Helena Lake. In 1997 Rob and Don got together and started work on the Bighorn Bow Hunters Traditional Shoot which was held at Helena Lake 1997 and 1998. In 1999 the shoot was moved to Timothy Lake where it stayed until 2011. It was then moved to Cariboo Bonanza Resort for 2012 and was held at the 100 Mile Snowmobile Club at 99 Mile in 2013 having become a long term location.
In 1998 the Gibson Rd. outdoor shoot was moved to the 99 Mile Ski Trails. The location was perfect. Lots of trails, space for camping and an indoor concession and meeting room. In 2010 the outdoor shoot was moved up the road to the 99 Mile Snowmobile Club with similar facilities. The club has developed a great relationship with the snowmobile club so a lot of our meetings and club functions are held there. The club was also having indoor shoots at the PSO gym but in 2002 the club was asked to move. We currently have our weekly practices and indoor shoot at the Stan Halcro Agriplex Arena.
In 2000 Don Dickerson, Rob Altmannshofer and Dori Dickerson were elected to the executive building a membership base and introducing new shoots and activities to the club. In 2004 Louie Joly, Fred Vincenzi and Vern Johnson were elected to the executive. Later the president’s position went to Tamara VanLoon who organized and executed a very successful North American Longbow Safari in 2009.
In 2009 the club hosted the North American Longbow Safari. This is an annual event that takes place in Canada and the USA alternating countries each year. A significant amount of work was required to pull off a great event for approximately 250 shooters. Fourteen home made targets were created by the 100 mile club and one was made by the William's Lake Archery Club.
In 2010 Yak Crame, Dirk Dunkel, Denise Swift and Tamara VanLoon were elected to the executive. Over the next couple of years a lot of fund raising and help from club volunteers saved the Stan Halcro Agriplex Arena which was deemed unsafe. Rick Jones led the charge attending numerous meetings and making sure the required repairs were done to everyone’s satisfaction. During the closure and repair work our indoor practices were held at the 105 arena.
During May 2011 the TBBC shoot was held at the 99 Mile Snowmobile Club, a good time was had by all.
In 2012 the hunting aspect of the clubs name was changed to the Bighorn Archery Club. This was done to encourage non-hunters to feel comfortable in participating in club activities.
Elections for 2013 didn't take long. The following were voted in by acclamation. Yak Crame, president, Dirk Dunkel, vice president, Denise Swift, secretary and Len Sprague was elected treasurer.
As the years go by the executive changes slightly and the work and play moves ahead under different leadership.
To date the club continues to host three 3D shoots per year as well as stump shoots, compass and survival courses, and open houses to encourage new members.
Since 1979 the club has had many ups and downs but has always maintained its focus of integrity and club support. The goal continues to stress putting on over the top shoots and above all having fun. Archers from all over the western provinces and some from the U.S. and beyond attend our shoots taking home memories that will last a lifetime.
The club also hosts one of the largest traditional shoots in the BC.